Let’s Travel Together

Build your Trip

Oceanking Travel is a leading full-service boutique travel agency established in Athens, Greece, in 1991. With a client-centered approach and 360 travel services, our aim is to design custom itineraries to every destination in Greece and the world for individuals, families, groups and businesses alike.

Our in-depth industry knowledge, firsthand destination experience and global network of travel professionals guarantee that we can create a journey that is seamless, authentic and suited precisely to your budget or other special requirement. Whether you know exactly where you want to go or need some inspiration, you are on the right page!


for Greece and abroad


for Greece and abroad


At Oceanking Travel we know first-hand how important transportation is for the smooth roll out of any event on the Greek islands.


At Oceanking Travel we know first-hand how important transportation is for the smooth roll out of any event on the Greek islands. Therefore, utilizing our collaborative framework with all ferry companies, we are able to pre-book space for the transporation of your equipment, as well secure passenger seats for large groups, contributing to the success of all your events.


We have been collaborating with OceanKing Travel for 15 years now, for all our business trips, conferences and ever-increasing needs of our Group that numbers today over 2.500 employees.

G4S Hellas

When we decided to get married in the summer of 2015 in Koufonisia, our biggest concern was how to coordinate transportation for our friends, both from Athens and abroad, and well as transportation for the suppliers needed to cover various needs on the island. We first heard of OceanKing Travel from a friend who collaborates with the agency for the planning of concerts across Greece and the islands, so we knew they were up for the job. Due to high seasonal demand, OceanKing pre-booked passenger seats and made vehicle reservations, so all that was asked of our friends and suppliers was to inform us about their preferred dates of arrival and departure. Apart from the excellent organization of our wedding’s transportation, OceanKing helped us plan an incredible honeymoon, a roadtrip across the States, and we have been using their services ever since for all our business and family trips. We highly recommend them!

Antonis & Marina

During a busy past few years, packed with business trips and events, OceanKing Travel has been our daily trusted partner, supporting all of our Association’s activities, including our nation-wide “proSFEEroume” CSR initiative, with professionalism and reliability. We recommend them to any business where Travel is of importance.

Hellenic Association of Pharmaceutical Companies (SFEE)

Visiting Greece to explore its world-famous ancient sites but also sites of importance to Jewish heritage was a life-long dream of ours. Oceanking Travel planned out a week-long, custom-made itinerary for Athens and Thessaloniki filled with guided tours, city walks, kosher meals and everything we had asked for, taking care of event the smaller detail. We have recommended Oceanking Travel to all of friends in Tel Aviv wishing to explore historic Jewish cities in Greece and we look forward to our next excursion!

Eddie & Rosa


Συνεργαζόμαστε εδώ και 15 χρόνια με την Oceanking Travel για όλα τα επαγγελματικά ταξίδια, συνέδρια και αυξημένες ανάγκες του Ομίλου μας ο οποίος αριθμεί περισσότερους από 2.500 εργαζόμενους.

G4S Hellas Holding

Σε μια περίοδο ιδιαίτερα επιφορτισμένη με συνεχή ταξίδια και εκδηλώσεις, η OceanKing Travel αποτελεί τον άμεσο και καθημερινό μας συνεργάτη, στηρίζοντας με επαγγελματισμό και αξιοπιστία όλες τις δράσεις του Συνδέσμου μας, όπως το «ταξίδι» της κοινωνικής μας πρωτοβουλίας «προΣfΕΕρουμε» σε όλη την Ελλάδα, όπου ανέλαβε την οργάνωση της μεταφοράς και τη διαμονής μας καθώς και την κάλυψη του συνόλου των ταξιδιωτικών μας αναγκών

Σύνδεσμος Φαρμακευτικών Επιχειρήσεων Ελλάδος (Σ.Φ.Ε.Ε.)

Η Oceanking Travel αποτελεί το σταθερό μας συνεργάτη στην οργάνωση όλων των επαγγελματικών ταξιδιών και συνεδρίων που πραγματοποιούμε τα τελευταία 15 χρόνια. Η ανάπτυξη μας άλλωστε είναι σε μεγάλο βαθμό συνυφασμένη με την ταξιδιωτική δραστηριότητα και η OceanKing Travel έχει συνεισφέρει τα μέγιστα στην κατεύθυνση αυτή με επαγγελματισμό, ευελιξία και αξιοπιστία.

Βιομηχανία Φαρμάκων ΒΙΑΝΕΞ

 Vasileos Georgiou B’ Avenue 30 &

Mikras Asias, 152 33, Chalandri

 T: 210 68 56 470 | F: 210 68 56 474


 Vasileos Georgiou B’ Avenue 30 &

Mikras Asias, 152 33, Chalandri

 T: 210 68 56 470 | F: 210 68 56 474
